Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm Curious...

Well, naturally. But anyway...

Daddies brought me new toys last night. (Well they said they were for "us", but I know what they meant.) Now I know I'm just a kitten, but I got started wondering...

It's about the people who make these catnip mice... well, actually it's about how they can find so many people who've never actually seen a mouse. It's kind of amazing, if you think about it. I mean, should somebody tell these folks that mice are not really orange and triangular, with neon-green tails? Much less plaid?

I'm just saying — they might walk right up to a mouse sometime, and they'd have no idea that's what it is. It's sad. Somebody should do something about it. Somebody with thumbs.

Oohhh — an empty box!!! Later!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Love Sundays

Daddy J and I played fetch this morning with my favorite half-empty catnip mouse. Sports are fun!!! Then I took a bath and passed out for a while. Wow — I just realized how much I've gotten done today!

Oops — I'd better go. I'm late for the living room. That big, bright thing (the one in the sky) is shining through the window, and I have to go lie there for... well... a long time.


Friday, March 14, 2008

About Me

I'm a little white cat with a long tail and orange ears. I live in Texas with my daddies.

I like sunshine, chasing the other cats until they hiss at me, and being scratched on the chin. I love running and naps. And running. When I run through the house, my daddies say I sound like a herd of will... will-duh-beets. At least I think that's what they said.

Oh, and I like blogging. What? Of course cats can blog! Typing is easy. Setting up the computer without thumbs — now that was hard....